Animals of Haiti Memory Game
Shutterfly I made a memory game of native animals of Haiti. As with other tropical islands, Haiti doesn’t
have any large native mammals. Bats are
the most common mammal, the solenodon and agouti (hutia) can only be found today in the
small patches of remaining rainforest, and the Caribbean monk seal was last seen in
the 1950s. Whales, dolphins, and
manatees supposedly can occasionally be seen along the coast, but most of the
kids here in central Haiti haven’t seen the ocean. I tried the game out on the kids I teach each
Saturday in a small community in Bohoc, and by the end they knew all 24 animals
on the memory cards! Half of the photos
are mine, and half I found on the internet under public domain or for
educational use (yay Wikipedia and ARKive).
They then drew their own memory cards on index cards that we cut in half.
I like reading your blog but only thing is missing on your site is a travel puzzle game like TRIPKOD or BEACHOURS